Why we support Thames Tideway Tunnel

Thames21 supports the construction of the Thames Tideway Tunnel. We believe that it is the only viable solution to cleaning up the River Thames and making London fit for the future.

When as little as 2mm of rain falls in the capital, the sewers overflow into the river leading to tens of millions of tonnes of sewage flowing in to the Thames each year. The tunnel proposal, which is the result of more than ten years of exhaustive research into possible options and development by Thames Water, Defra, the Environment Agency, GLA and Ofwat, is the only viable solution to dealing with scale of this problem.

The full-length tunnel is also regarded as necessary by all of the organisations in the Thames Tunnel Now coalition  including a broad range of environmental charities and other organisations, and by a wide spectrum of opinion that includes the Environment Agency, the vast majority of London MPs, and the past and present Mayors of London. It also has cross-party political support.

Thames21 actively supports Green Infrastructure in the capital, and advocates its wide implementation in line with the Mayor of London’s various strategic objectives. SuDS are a necessary component to new developments, and key to reducing future surface area flooding, local diffuse pollution, improving ground water retention and biodiversity and boosting amenity value of public space. Nevertheless, despite these irrefutable and wide ranging benefits, they cannot be the whole answer to London’s sewage needs and the polluting of its greatest natural asset.
Thames21 currently has a number of SuDS projetcs:
Fixing Broken Rivers
Salmons Brook Healthy River Challenge
Priory Road SuDS Highway

Whilst comparing the TTT proposal with other ideas, the charity has, like many others have, listened to the small number of individuals and organizations who oppose the tunnel, but we have not been convinced by their arguments, nor by the limited amount of evidence they have been able to provide on possible alternatives. We respect their views, and the charity supports and participates actively in assisting the implementation of Green Infrastructure for London; but we do this as a complement to the TTT and not as an alternative.

If you would like more information, please contact Chris Coode