Langley Park – The Beck
Project Background
The Beck and East Beck were significantly altered in the 1950s when the development of London came to this area. These alterations included straightening the river and, in the case of the East Beck, turning it from a natural river to a concrete-lined one. Both rivers have long been identified as having significant potential to improve local habitat availability and biodiversity.
The project site specifically is located to the east of Eden Park rail station and has long been viewed by Bromley Council, the local community and the local primary school (Unicorn School) as an under-utilised space. For example, Unicorn Primary School has identified the site as somewhere it would like to take their pupils and use as a teaching space. This project will help to formalise the use of this space by the local community and schools and so will promote the education of future generations, which is crucial to ensure this space is valued and maintained in the long term.
To the north of the East Beck, a reedbed exists which has become disconnected from the river. There is the possibility to divert the East Beck through these reedbeds before it joins the main Beck.
Community engagement
Funded by a Thames Water Enforcement Undertaking, the project will begin to re-naturalise sections of the Beck and East Beck through community action including:
- Vegetation management including thinning vegetation that is out-shading large sections of the channel, increasing access to light and aquatic vegetation growth;
- Adding woody deflectors and natural features to the river to encourage a wider diversity and more natural flows;
- Clearance of litter and artificial debris from the channel to promote more natural flow and improve water quality.
- Removing redundant toe boarding
Contractor works
Simultaneously, work to connect the East Beck to the reedbed will be undertaken by environmental contractors.
The project will benefit the river, the local community and wildlife.
It will help the Beck and East Beck ecosystems by improving habitats for biodiversity and filtering pollutants through the reedbeds.
For communities, it creates opportunities for recreation, connecting people to their river and empowering them to take action to improve their local environment. In this instance, the improved environment will provide education opportunities for generations of children who attend the schools School through forest school lessons. Ultimately, restoring rivers enhances both the environment and the well-being of the people who call these areas home.