London Rivers Week 2025

London Rivers Week, now in its ninth year, is back from Friday 30th May to Sunday 8th June – and this year’s event promises to be bigger and better than ever.

London Rivers Week is a week-long annual campaign inspiring the public to celebrate all of London’s rivers and the many projects taking place to protect them.

The theme this year will be access to nature and good quality blue and green spaces.

London’s rivers are an important natural asset, containing iconic species such as brown trout, kingfishers, and water voles. They also connect important wildlife sites, bringing nature to the very heart of the city. Unfortunately, recent years have emphasised how fragile our blue and green spaces are in the face of pressures such as climate change and pollution.

We are currently developing our programme for the week, but it will include creative and cultural events, guided walks and talks.
The full event listing will be put up closer to the time.

There is something for everybody – individuals, families and children. The main aim is to connect communities with their local rivers.
London Rivers Week is organised by the London River Week Steering Group, on of behalf River Partnerships in London (RiPL).

The principal organisations running London Rivers Week are the Environment Agency, Thames21, the South East Rivers Trust, London Wildlife Trust, ZSL, CPRE London, and the Thames Estuary Partnership. In addition to these organisations, many other groups run and contribute to events, walks, talks and seminars to demonstrate the value of rivers.

Watch this space for more information.