London Rivers Week 2024
London Rivers Week, now in its eighth year, is back from 22nd June to 30th June – and this year’s event promises to be bigger and better than ever.
London Rivers Week is a week-long annual campaign inspiring the public to celebrate all of London’s rivers and the many projects taking place to protect them.
This year’s theme is ‘London is a river city’, with a focus on health and well-being and cultural activities.
Many events are free to join, but you need to register.
Get involved in the many free walks, talks, river clean-ups and open webinars.
Check out our event listing here:
There is something for everybody – individuals, families and children. The main aim is to connect communities with their local rivers.
See London Rivers Week map of events below.
Culture and nature have always been intertwined. Throughout the history of literature, music and the visual arts, rivers and the green spaces that surround them have provided great inspiration to people across the world.
Today, as rivers and natural landscapes continue to be endangered by the effects of the climate emergency and biodiversity loss, charities like ours, communities and artists are responding to the environmental crisis in urgent and inspiring ways. Now more than ever, culture allows us to reimagine the future.
We can’t reimagine the future without good health – it is important to us all. The Covid-19 pandemic shone a spotlight on how vital a healthy population is.
Studies have shown that bodies of water can be even more beneficial than green spaces when it comes to wellbeing. Lakes, rivers, and canals have been found to provide a restorative effect for the mind 1.
London Rivers Week is run on behalf of the River Partnerships in London via the London Rivers Week steer group.
Ultimately, London Rivers Week raises awareness of London’s network of rivers, how they benefit us and how we can protect them. London is calling. We hope you take part in one of our many exciting events!
London Rivers Week is organised for the River Partnerships in London (RiPL) via the London Rivers Week steer group. The principal organisations running London Rivers Week are the Environment Agency, Thames21, the South East Rivers Trust, London Wildlife Trust, ZSL, CPRE London, and the Thames Estuary Partnership. In addition to these organisations, many other groups run and contribute to events, walks, talks and seminars to demonstrate the value of rivers.
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