Water Quality Testing: Pymmes Brook & Lea Confluence


Water Quality Testing: Pymmes Brook
Date Temp DO PH Nitrate Phosphate (Total) Phosphate (Reactive) Turbidity E-Coli Bacteria Ammonia Observations
11/12/13 8.3 59  7.440 14.2 * * 0.821 * *
27/11/13 12.7 67 7.433 16.3 * * 5.09 3 * Fast flow, film of pollution
16/10/13 15.5 73 7.227 7.5 * 5.1 3.35 1190000 0.5 Fast flow
3/10/13 17.8 57 8.05 7 * 1.0 0.634 1000 0.5 fast flow, film of pollution
18/9/13 18.9 59 8.252 8.2 * 4.1 0.446 14000 0.5 fast flow, clear looking
4/9/13 23.8 62 7.78 6.2 0.0 4.8 1.8 16000 0.5 Moored boats, clear looking
20/8/13 23.4 63 7.86 9.1 * 2.3 4.6 0 1 Fast flow
5/8/13 22.5 67 7.71 14.2 * 2.4 8.1 0 1 Fast flow, film of pollution
17/7/13 25 65 7.89 5.8 * 2.7 1.9 0 1 Fast flow, some weeds
2/7/13 19.5 68 7.82 11.4 0.0 2.3 0.8 0 1.5
18/6/13 20.6 72 7.65 5.1 0.0 2.4 2.5 10000 1 Fast flow, large amounts of diesel/oil
5/6/13 17.9 86 8.09 6.3 0.0 2.0 1.2 0 2.5 Fast flow, clear
22/5/13 16.3 64 7.75 15.2 0.0 2.2 5.2 10000 1.5 Fast flow
7/5/13 18.2 68 7.78 11.3 * 2.0 1.8 0 *
30/4/13 16.5 64 7.67 9.7 0.0 2.6 1.5 20000 * Fast flow
20/3/13 8.9 62 7.46 10.5 0.0 1.7 10.5 20000 * Bubble, film of pollution
6/3/13 13.5 56 7.25 9.9 0.0 3.4 4.9 10000 * Film on surface, large amounts of oil/diesel
20/2/12 8.6 66 7.36 7.9 0.6 0.0 19.8 0 * Signs of pollution
4/2/13 9.1 59 7.39 10.4 1.3 1.7 12.5 20000 *
23/1/13 7.2 67 7.29 10.3 0.5 1.4 9.3 20000 *
9/1/13 11.8 62 7.3 6.1 0.5 2.2 18.8 10000 * Fast flow, some bubbles
10/12/12 7.7 66 7.54 9.6 * 3.3 5.2 0 * Fast flow, film of surface of water
28/11/12 10.1 61 7.44 9.8 0.0 3.3 41.0 10000 * Fast flow
14/11/12 15.3 60 7.63 7.5 2.3 1.6 4.6 * * Fast flow
29/10/12 13.9 62 7.92 4.1 5.3 1.7 3.2 10000 *
15/10/12 14 65 8 12.4 2.0 2.1 9.7 30000 *
3/10/12 16.2 56 7.79 4 2.8 2.9 10.5 10000 * Signs of pollution
24/9/12 17 68 7.66 4.8 3.5 3.0 8.5 10000 * Fast flow
5/9/12 20.6 67 7.94 4.6 3.6 4.3 14.2 20000 * no weed or signs of pollution
22/8/12 20.8 71 7.76 2.4 4.6 3.8 12.0 20000 *
8/8/12 19.7 77 7.57 1.2 3.0 2.9 3.5 30000 *
25/7/12 22 62 7.70 1.7 3.0 2.9 8.1 0 *
9/7/12 17.7 93 7.75 2.3 3.3 2.9 20.0 30000 * Fast flow
27/6/12 21.8 45 7.80 1.8 5.4 3.5 15.1 50000 * Film of pollution
12/6/12 14.9 89 7.62 4.0 * * 37.0 540000 *
30/5/12 22.6 93 7.62 3.2 7.4 5.6 17.4 * * Fast flow
16/5/12 16.2 83 7.64 5.7 1.3 7.3 11.0 40000 *
1/5/12 15.8 * * 4.8 0.0 5.6 55.0 * *
18/4/12 11.1 69 7.30 1.3 9.5 9.0 1.2 0 *
21/3/12 18.5 56 7.40 0.6 8.5 7.8 1.6 800 * Cloudy water & area smells
7/3/12 12 56 7.50 3.3 3.0 8.8 6.9 100 *
22/2/12 12 55 7.20 0.5 12.7 11.2 3.3 0 *
8/2/12 7.2 75 7.10 0.9 4.3 7.1 5.8 100 *
25/1/12 12 67 7.10 1.8 3.2 8.1 2.1 9000 * No weed cover & fast flow
11/1/12 13 45 7.30 1.2 8.0 11.3 1.5 0 *
5/12/11 11.6 65 7.43 1.5 12.9 11.7 1.0 200 * Slow flow
21/11/11 15.5 56 7.25 1.2 12.2 13.5 0.7 0 *
11/11/11 16.4 25 7.54 4.4 12.0 12.2 1.3 0 * Less boats. Water very clear
24/10/11 16 41 8.92 12.1 9.8 13.1 3.0 0 *
10/10/11 19.7 27 7.26 12.3 9.6 12.1 3.0 10000 *
27/9/11 18.8 2 7.48 10.2 3.8 11.2 7.4 10000 * High levels of pollution
15/9/11 20.2 2 7.53 15.3 8.0 11.2 7.6 0 *
30/8/11 18 3 7.30 12.0 11.5 7.9 6.3 0 *
15/8/11 21 3 7.24 8.5 5.8 11.6 5.1 0 *
1/8/11 22 56 7.43 12.2 10.5 13.4 4.6 20000 * Lots of moored boats, algae & weed
18/7/11 18.33 35 7.29 11.2 11.3 7.3 6.5 30000 *
4/7/11 24 46 7.28 6.9 9.0 13.5 5.4 20000 *
20/6/11 * * 7.10 3.0 5.1 9.9 1.4 10000 *
6/6/11 * * 7.20 8.0 7.8 8.6 8.0 0 *
17/5/11 18.1 46 7.20 8.4 9.2 12.6 5.0 36000 *