Tree Planting with Mitchellbrook Primary School

Mitchell Brook Primary School students are working with Thames21 to improve Brent Feeder Canal for people and wildlife.

Students from reception classes and after school clubs joined the charity in native tree planting along the canal to help stop litter being blown into the water and to provide habitat for wildlife.

The hawthorn, hazel, birch, rowan, cherry and dogwood saplings were donated by the Woodland Trust and RE:LEAF.

This work is part of an on-going Thames21 project to encourage people to look after their local waterways, funded by Brent Council.

“We want to engage students directly in making environmental improvements to their local area so they can learn about the environment in a hands-on way. “The children will then be able to witness the trees grow, and make a lasting difference to the canal and surrounding green space well into the future,” Thames21 Brent Coordinator Vicky D’Souza said.

For more information on this project click here or contact Vicky D’Souza 07827 852 599