DEEP CLEAN 2013 – My kind of thing… water, mud and wind
Friederike Hanisch
Project Dirt Capital Clean Up Cluster Coordinator
I had such a fabulous morning … Playing with mud, water and plastic bags at the foreshore of the Thames.
I attended Thames21’s Deep Clean 2013 in the Isle of Dogs, which is part of the Capital Spring Clean week by the Capital Clean-up Campaign. In this great 2-day event volunteers from the local community, corporations and other backgrounds join the lovely Thames21 team to get those nasty plastic bags and other rubbish lurking beneath the river’s surface out of there. Thames21 runs this clean-up every year around this time because this is time when the tide stays back quite far, exposing the litter which is normally hard to get to.
Read more about Friederike’s Deep Clean 2013 experience here