Thames21 supports Government’s National Litter Strategy for England
Date of release: April 10, 2017
In response to the Government’s new Litter Strategy for England, published today, Debbie Leach, chief executive of Thames21, said:
“We welcome the National Litter Strategy’s drive to hold to account people who throw litter out of vehicle windows. Once litter gets onto the road network, it is only a matter of time before it blows or washes into the waterway network, clogging our streams and endangering wildlife.
“As the only organisation carrying out dedicated research into the types of litter which end up in the Thames through our Thames River Watch project, we know that items typically thrown from vehicles will end up in London’s iconic river.
In just one day last year, across 11 sites, we found 2,500 single use plastic bottles. Our litter surveys completed up to the end of 2016 showed that 65 per cent of the items washed up on the Thames foreshores are food related, including bottles, wrappers and takeaway containers. Another 4% is cigarette related, so we are delighted that a new expert group will be set up to tackle how to deal with these types of litter, which have been identified as the most common.
“We fully support the Litter Strategy’s plans to boost participation in national clean up days. As a result we are working with other charities and groups across the country to launch River Rescue, a nationwide waterways clean up campaign this September.”
The latest Thames River Watch findings can be found here.
Notes for editors
About Thames21
Thames21 is an environmental charity putting healthy rivers back at the heart of community life. Through environmental improvements, education, research and advocacy efforts, Thames21 is inspiring and influencing effective and lasting change by working hand-in-hand with communities to deliver tangible and measurable improvements for urban rivers. | Registered Charity No. 1103997
Media Contact
Kirsten Downer
Communications Officer at Thames21
07711 701 696
020 7248 7171