Thames21 volunteering activities update: 7 September
Thames21 Statement
September 2020
The safety, health and wellbeing of the public, our volunteers and our staff are of paramount importance to us.
Our events and activities have now restarted, but at lower numbers than usual, in line with government advice.
The latest government guidance allows up to 30 people to gather for organised activities that are fully risk-assessed and have measures in place to reduce infection risk. This means that Thames21 can continue to support and deliver volunteering activity in outdoor open spaces. We’ve amended our guidance slightly to ensure that we are taking all the necessary steps to keep everyone safe.
If space allows for social distancing to be easily maintained, we will run events for up to 30 people. Where space does not allow, our events will be capped at 15 people. Booking is essential at this time so we can control numbers. All volunteer River Action Groups activity is capped at 15 people.
In addition, at our events, we will:
- Thoroughly disinfect all equipment
- Ensure social distancing on site
- Provide hand wash or sanitisation stations
- Ensure no tools are shared
If you are attending one of our events, you must:
- Follow social distancing guidelines at all times on site
- Follow instructions given by Thames21 staff
- Let us know before the event and do not attend if you or anyone else in your household has coronavirus symptoms
- Wear a face covering if travelling to the site via public transport
Find all of our events here.
We will continue to monitor and review Government guidance and adjust our guidelines accordingly.
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for further updates.