PRESS RELEASE Thames21 and #OneLess plastic litter research suggests Londoners switched from fizzy drinks to still water as a result of the extremely hot weather,…
More than 5,000 wet wipes have been found in one single area of the Thames foreshore near the iconic Hammersmith Bridge. This is the highest…
Plastic straws, cotton buds and other disposables could be banned from sale in England under plans set out by Theresa May this week. A consultation…
Shock findings reveal that the Thames has the highest concentration of wet wipes ever recorded in Britain – with 277 found in just one square metre. Over 4,500…
Plastic bag charge and beach litter: Thames21 open letter
Here is Thames21’s open letter in response to last week’s story about the reported reduction in plastic bag litter following the plastic bag charge. Thames21…
A recent academic study has found that two species of fish in the River Thames have significant levels of microplastic in their systems. The study…