Firs Farm wetland in Enfield is the focus of a documentary investigating how cities are tackling the issue of flooding worldwide. The PBS series, Sinking…
Thirty four sites suitable for new constructed wetlands and SuDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) have been identified by communities in north London, with the potential…
Record number for Rainscapes in London Borough thanks to trail-blazing partnership between Enfield and Thames21
A cost-neutral way to protect parks, rivers and open spaces in climate of budget cuts 25 October 2016: A partnership between Enfield Council and waterways…
Mural celebrates new rain gardens in Enfield which cut flood risk
A series of five rain gardens have opened on Alma Road in Enfield. To celebrate, we’ve linked up with the local community and Enfield Council…
By Joanna Barton – Assistant River Cray Project Officer at Thames21 As an island nation with a wealth of rivers, canals and streams snaking through…
River of Death, why fish died in the River Lea, and what can be done
Thousands of fish died in the River Lea last week after rain washed the accumulated pollution from East London’s roads into the river. The River Lea…
The road to river destruction is paved
It is changes like this that see our rivers damaged; the gradual but ultimately large-scale loss of small green spaces like front gardens. While urban…
Saving North East London’s rivers
These are exciting times for river friendly drainage. Our project to clean polluted water before it enters the Salmons Brook in Enfield is identifying sites,…