The work of Your Tidal Thames in 2012
In December 2012 the Your Tidal Thames project produced a ‘working catchment plan’ for the tidal Thames which incorporated all of the views shared by the tidal Thames community during the first year. The plan start to address issues that are vital for the sustainability and vibrancy of the Thames. It makes recommendations for long-term improvements in the water quality and ecological health of the river. The plan gives those connected with, or who care about, the river an opportunity to get involved and to have a say in the future of the tidal Thames. The 2012 Working Catchment Plan document is supported by a Final Project Report document – which details the work carried out in 2012 during the pilot year of this project.
Links to these documents and other outputs from the Your Tidal Thames project in 2012 can be found on this page.
The work of the Your Tidal Thames project is still on going. Click here to find out about how you can get involved in this project and learn more about its work in 2013.
1st Strategy Group meeting – June 2012
The Your Tidal Thames project is seeking the views of as many members of the tidal Thames community as possible, from Teddington to the Estuary. Having obtained these views, it is important to have a process by which people’s ideas are considered, prioritised and actions are identified. Thames21 and Thames Estuary Partnership organised a multi-sectorial meeting with key individuals and specialist organisations in the management of the tidal Thames. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a community approach to improving the river and to form a Strategy Group to help finalise a practical and deliverable catchment plan.
Below are links to the background information that was provided before the meeting and the outputs from the meeting.
- Initial Summary of the tidal Thames catchment – this document includes context to the tidal Thames, the current status of the river, the objectives of the Your Tidal Thames project, an initial view on the pressures the river faces and an overview of engagement history along the river.
- Project Introduction – this document includes an outline of the project background, progress to date (in June 2012), engagement strategy of the project, proposed role of the Strategy Group, outline of the catchment plan – what it is and what it is not, and a list of organisations who were invited to attend on 27th June.
- Aims and Agenda – for the meeting on 27th June
- PowerPoint presentations – from the meeting on 27th June
- Meeting Report – this document details the Q&A sessions and actions from the meeting on 27th June
- Strategy Group Questions – this document provides answers to the questions raised during the “Setting up a Strategy Group” section of the meeting on 27th June
- Terms of Reference – this is the Terms of Reference under which the Your Tidal Thames Strategy Group will operate.
2nd Strategy Group meeting – December 2012
In December 2012 the Your Tidal Thames Strategy Group met again to consider the work that the project had achieved during 2012, look at the results of the engagement work that had been carried out, and consider what the next steps would be for the Your Tidal Thames Project going forward. Below are links to the outputs from the meeting.
- Aims and Agenda – for the meeting on 6th December
- PowerPoint presentations – from the meeting on 6th December
- Meeting Report – this document details the discussion during the meeting and decisions and actions from the meeting
Pilot Year outputs from December 2012
The Your Tidal Thames project started as a 1 year pilot project. In 2012 Thames21 and TEP carried out engagement across the tidal Thames catchment through pop-up workshops, one to one meetings, evening presentations and online and social media engagement. The results of this engagement were presented to the Your Tidal Thames Strategy Group and submitted to Defra at the end of 2012. Below are links to the outputs from the Your Tidal Thames work in 2012:
- Final Project Report
- Appendix A – Working Catchment Plan for the tidal Thames
- Appendices B, C and D
- Biodiversity timeline
- Sustainable Commercial Use timeline
- Guidelines for how to use these timelines