An update from the River Cray

Michael Heath
River Cray Coordinator

The River Cray has been at the centre of much talk and activity of late, with the trial opening of the Vitbe sluice, wetland excavation works at Foots Cray Meadows and the formation of the new Cray River Partnership to secure an overall restoration programme for the Cray Catchment.  This focused attention and effort offers a great opportunity to get involved and help shape the long-term future of the river.

The new partnership is seeking community involvement, and people are invited to share their views at an open afternoon on May 31. Why not come along, and make an impact on your local area or just meet some new people and find out more.

The Thames21 ethos is to inspire people to become involved with their rivers. There is a wealth of passion, experience, knowledge and enthusiasm within the people of Bexley; all to be tapped into as a resource to improve rivers and the biodiversity of the borough. Naturally, I work closely with Joanne, the River Shuttle Coordinator. Our responsibility is for the entire length of the Cray and Shuttle in Bexley (though there are other rivers and streams which need attention.) We welcome your ideas and comments – please do get in touch if you want to find out more about how you or your organisation can get involved in this project.

Thank you for your interest and I look forward to seeing you on the River!
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